2024.1 Nuevas funciones
Última actualización de 26 de junio de 2024
Otras funciones
Última actualización de 26 de junio de 2024
Mejora de las prendas de punto
Mejora la visualización de los géneros de punto cambiando la dirección de las puntadas y expresando efectos mélange.
Precisión en Colisión de Fornituras
Mejora de la precisión de las colisiones en las fornituras no pegadas para una simulación más estable.
Revisión del escalado panorámico
El editor de revisión de escalados admite una vista panorámica de prendas y avatares en todas las tallas escaladas.
Mejora en el escalado
Ajusta el escalado de los gráficos con un porcentaje de desplazamiento y realinea los valores.
Información detallada sobre las Pinzas
Las líneas de base se crean en pinzas existentes y que se han rotado.El margen de costura en la pinza se muestra para todas las pinzas, incluso cuando las lienas tienen longitudes diferentes.
POM dentro de los patrones
Aplica POM dentro de CLO siguiendo los esquemas de los patrones o créalos dentro y fuera de los patrones.
Atajos de teclado para líneas de costura
Cambia el tipo de línea de costura con los atajos de teclado y la nueva interfaz de usuario.
Soporte de perfil ICC
Las imágenes con perfil de color ICC se convierten a perfiles sRGB al cargarse.
Mezclar gráfico con tejido
Los mapas PBR de los tejidos se aplican a los gráficos, creando una apariencia mezclada.
Eliminación de la transparencia del tejido
La transparencia de las texturas puede eliminarse al guardar un archivo de Tejido (ZFAB).
Vincular Tamaños de Botones y Ojales
Vincula los tamaños de los botones abrochados y los ojales.
Nombres individuales a las Partes de las Fornituras
Se pueden asignar nombres distintos a cada parte de la malla de las fornituras.
Renderizado esquemático de cremalleras
La cremallera 3D se muestra en el Renderizado Esquemático.
Mejora del mapa de desplazamiento
Reduce la distancia de partículas en el mapa de desplazamiento tanto como lo necesites.
Color de ojos del avatar
Personaliza el color de ojos de tu avatar según tus preferencias.
Autenticación simplificada de Alvanon
Los avatares de Alvanon se cargan simplemente iniciando sesión en Alvanon Body Platform.
Bloquear cámara de render
Bloquea la cámara de render mientras ajustas las posiciones de las luces u otros parámetros en la ventana 3D.
Renderizado Multi-Vista
Las imágenes renderizadas de varias vistas pueden combinarse en una sola imagen.
Empaquetado UV avanzado
Opciones adicionales de optimización permiten un empaquetado UV más ajustado.
Costuras con textura de relleno UV
Aplica costuras de textura de relleno a patrones y otros objetos.
Control de los archivos CLO-SET
Accede a las versiones anteriores de los archivos cargados en CLO-SET directamente desde la ventana de la Biblioteca CLO.
Accesibilidad al menú principal
Menú principal actualizado para mejorar la eficacia y rapidez de la navegación.
Mejora de las actualizaciones en directo
El widget de actualización en directo muestra imágenes visuales que ilustran las nuevas funciones.
Notas del parche
Update on 11 de septiembre de 2024, ver2024.1.256
Reduced File Size
The default user setting for the Substance ‘Save Textures Compatible with Lower Versions’ option is OFF.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when deleting a colorway of a garment that contains bindings
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when undoing after applying a fabric to a pattern
- Fixed an issue that caused topstitches to be rendered in wrong colors in the UV Editor
Update on 4 de septiembre de 2024, ver2024.1.244
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when undoing after using the Draw Styleline tool
- Fixed an issue that caused the width value of seam allowances inside patterns to not be applied
- Fixed an issue that caused wrong fabric properties to appear when applying copied fabric to a pattern
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash after clicking the Update button in the Grading Review for certain garments
- Fixed an issue that caused graphics with different grading appear different positions in Grading Review
- Fixed an issue that caused the zipper to be removed when adding a Styleline
- Fixed an issue that caused the 3D position changes of a knitwear-applied pattern to not be reflected when rendered
- Fixed an issue that caused button placements to not get printed through the plotter
- Fixed an issue that caused opacity values to change when altering puckering colors
- Fixed an issue that caused symmetrically copied trims to appear inverted after applying Polygon Optimization in EveryWear
- Fixed an issue that caused the baseline of the selected pattern to not be visible when using the Zipper tool
- Fixed an issue that caused user-created OBJs to not be applied to OBJ topstitches
- Fixed an issue that caused some colorways to not update when applying copied fabric to a pattern
- Fixed an issue that caused patterns to appear distorted from the Print Layout Mode when opening the Grading Review window
- Fixed an issue that caused the material type of trim to be saved as PBR after having it set as Substance
- Fixed an issue that caused some Alembic files to appear in a different position after being saved and reloaded
- Fixed an issue that caused artifacts to be displayed when using rendered images in AI Avatar Studio
- Fixed an issue that caused AI Avatar Studio to not function when using small-sized images
- Fixed an issue that caused deleted colorway information to be registered when applying copied fabric to a pattern after creating a colorway
- Fixed an issue that caused fabric properties of deleted colorways to be saved when saving a garment
- Fixed an issue that caused flipped graphics to invert when saving a 3D snapshot
- Fixed an issue that caused the results of Trace as Internal Shape to be incorrect when using a graphic baked from Texture Editor
- Fixed an issue that caused topstitch colors to not be applied in Schematic Rendering
- Fixed an issue that caused color information to reset when changing the fabric type to fur
- Fixed an issue that caused the Show/Hide Ruler to not be applied to all selected rulers
- Fixed an issue that caused bonded patterns to not display correctly in Thick Texture Surface view
- Fixed an issue that caused fabric properties to not copy when copying and pasting patterns into another CLO instance
Update on 26 de agosto de 2024, ver2024.1.208
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when applying Rigging to an avatar via EveryWear and then updating rigging on another avatar
- Fixed an issue that prevented the original pattern from being edited when modifying its instance's symmetric pattern
Update on 13 de agosto de 2024, ver2024.1.192
CLO File Thumbnails
Preview thumbnails of CLO files are displayed with a transparent background.
File load speed of the files generated through EveryWear is improved.
USD Metadata
Object names are included in the Material Prim names for easier identification of the objects to which the materials belong.
Seam Allowance from Print Layout Mode
Seam allowance is taken into consideration when detecting overlapped regions.
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when exporting a USD file to a network drive
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when deleting an internal line on a symmetric pattern with Flip Normal applied
- Fixed an issue that caused graphics to be misplaced for all sizes of a graded garment in the Grading Review Editor
- Fixed an issue that caused the original graphic to be modified when copying and pasting it after selecting a different graded size
- Fixed an issue that caused certain color options to not work when changing the graphic type to Velvet
- Fixed an issue that caused certain joint points to change when resetting joints after deleting accessories from a converted avatar
- Fixed an issue where the Show Light (Render) option did not sync in the Property Editor and the Environment Display menu
- Fixed an issue that caused the Pause and Record icon to not appear when recording animation
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to rename the 3D State in History menu
- Fixed an issue that caused the F5 shortcut key (Refresh Textures) to not work
- Fixed an issue that caused transparent areas to be filled when generating a roughness map through the PBR Map Generator
- Fixed an issue that caused changing Knit Directions for selected fabrics to not work
- Fixed an issue that caused the color chip names changed in the Fabric Property Editor to not be saved
- Fixed an issue that caused puckering without texture to appear in white when exported as a GLB file
- Fixed an issue that caused Preferences menu to disappear on macOS
- Fixed an issue that caused the eyedropper tool to not work on macOS
- Fixed an issue that caused two lines to be created when tracing baselines as internal lines on symmetric patterns
Update on 24 de julio de 2024, ver2024.1.142
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when changing grading size on certain garments
- Fixed an issue that caused the Morph Target feature to not work on Alvanon avatars
- Fixed an issue that caused Alvanon avatars to distort when applying poses
- Fixed an issue that caused animations to not be recorded for certain garments
- Fixed an issue that caused Avatar Style Configurator to not work when applying certain accessories
- Fixed an issue that caused the buttonhole width to not accept decimal points when the unit is set to inches
- Fixed an issue that caused the pressure map to not work correctly when changing grading sizes on some garments
- Fixed an issue that caused AI Avatar Studio to not work correctly when using a rendered image as the Target Image
- Fixed an issue that caused elastic fabrics to be omitted from the BOM
Update on 9 de julio de 2024, ver2024.1.120
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when saving avatar sizes in CSV format
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when Texture Baking from EveryWear
- Fixed an issue that caused Edit Grading to malfunction on instance patterns
- Fixed an issue that caused a crash when opening the Avatar Editor after loading certain Alvanon avatars without Authentication
- Fixed an issue that caused the program to hang when adjusting texture scales in repeat mode from the Texture Editor
- Fixed an issue that caused Lock to Camera to malfunction from Light Properties
- Fixed an issue that caused puckering to disappear from other colorways when deleting its normal map
- Fixed an issue that caused prints on the first colorway to change when changing its print from another colorway, and applying Unlink All Colorways
- Fixed an issue that caused the Substance icon in the fabric color chip thumbnail to be invisible when adding a colorway
- Fixed an issue that caused certain POMs placed outside of patterns to be shown as solid lines
- Fixed an issue that caused button color information to not be copied when using multiple CLO instances
- Fixed an issue that caused graded graphics to have different sizes when copied and pasted after being edited
- Fixed an issue that caused incomplete saving of colorway information when creating a 3D snapshot
- Fixed an issue that caused certain trims to be loaded in modified sizes
- Fixed an issue that caused colorway list to be not updated when loading OBJ as garment